Day 1 Nourishment From God

Joe : Every person is a child of God no matter how each comes to him for it is said that each shall inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Belief in an omnipotent God is trusting in something/someone who is greater than yourself that can nourish you. Fear not how you approach him for it is God’s nourishment, being bathed in his light, that helps you through your daily struggle.

Jesus* : When you walk through an orchard, you see an apple tree, an orange tree, grape vines, blueberries, raspberries, lime trees and lemon trees. Are any of them the one true tree? No. Are any of them the one true fruit? No. If you walk to one tree and you say, ‘Oh, this orange is delicious. I’m just going to eat oranges for the rest of my life,’ this is okay but does it mean that the one that’s eating blueberries is wrong? No. It’s the nurturing. It’s a nurture fruit from God -- and nurturing from God is like a nurturing fruit. Nurturing is from God. It is not the fruit you eat in order to be nurtured. It is the compassion and the love that you feel from God that is God. It is not the Bible, nor the Cross, nor the Rosary, nor the prayer rug or the yoga stances that people think they need in order to connect with God. It is the nourishment, the light, that one receives from “God” that is inside of them that is important. 


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