Day 10: Why so many doubts?

Day 10

Why so many doubts?

(Joe)     How can a man be spirit you ask? People tell you all the time to let Jesus live inside you. What does that mean? Jesus was a man…how can he live in me? Does that mean we are to “live” his words? How can I believe in a man who even he said was not God? Who am I praying to then? Who is God? Oh I’m too smart for all this baloney….why doesn’t someone just tell me what truth is so I don’t have so many doubts.

(Jesus*) Just trust and believe for I am your primary guide. I step forward now to allow you to know this for you do not truly believe in me. For you still find it hard to believe me, for we hear these thoughts as you think them now. Understand that as you accept me into your life, as you accept all of us into your life, you will see massive changes, you will see massive changes indeed, and you must know dear child of mine that you truly are an equal with me. You are not lower. I am not higher. We are all equal. We are all equal in our Father’s eyes. We are all equal in our understanding of God for we are all truly one from God. And as you become this representation of who we truly are on this side, you will begin to see things much, much differently for you have already changed. Because you seek me you have already evolved and you will continue to evolve and things will just get better. Trust in this truth.

* Jesus is channeled by Marisa Moris
Excerpted from the Bible Speaks series featuring the authors of the New Testament


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