Day 17 - Parable of the hard drive and the radio

Day 17 (Front)

Parable of the Hard Drive and the Radio

We all have cell phones nowadays.  It’s easy to pick up your phone and dial your favorite recipient.  In fact our phones today aren’t just phones, they are also little hard drives that hold a ton of information.  A report came out recently that said that our little cell phones have more capacity and stored data than was used in all the computers that were used to get Neil Armstrong to take the first steps on the moon.  Wouldn’t it be cool to pick up the phone and call Jesus and ask him any question you want and hear his response?  Wouldn’t it be great if all of his knowledge was on a hard drive that you could access at any time?  Well, you can.

Day 17 (Back)
(Jesus*)   I am in each human being.  Everything that I have ever done and everything that I will ever do is stored within your body and within your soul and it is too hard for some human minds to understand this, but this is stored within you.  By each person having a piece of me inside of them, every single person has a copy of that which they may access at any time. So, in saying that the Holy Spirit is in each person, you may look at that as one little two-way radio, the Christ light as another little radio, the human spirit as another radio, the soul, the over soul, and all your guides as different radios.  When you pray or meditate the radio buzzes the spirit incarnation which you want to communicate with and that spirit talks, therefore the vibration is affected by the person who is asking for help.  Just by asking a question, you would receive an answer from the abundant amount of information that is stored within their “hard drives”.  Does this make sense?

*Jesus channeled by Marisa Moris and excerpted from the Bible Speaks series featuring the authors of the New Testament


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