Day 13 - Parable of the Strawberry

Day 13

Parable of the Strawberry

Life is sweet…well, sometimes and maybe even most times. But life is sweeter when you savor its daily goodness. Yes, there are pitfalls, that is part of the human experience but when you understand that there is always love around you, the cadre of heavenly hosts assigned to you, then when you see that life has its ups and downs there is always that sweetness that God supplies with his presence.

(Jesus) Life is like a strawberry, it is sweet, but if you do not know what it is, looking at it from the outside, you wonder what all the specks are on the outside. You wonder if you’re supposed to eat the green thing on top. You wonder what it is. So you just go ahead and bite in, and that’s when you see that life is sweet. So take life one day at a time, and understand that sometimes, something doesn’t look the way that it is. And sometimes it’s just taking that leap and understanding and knowing that there’s sweetness inside, and that you may just have to avoid that green thing on top. Enjoy life,  - know that life is sweet. Do not be afraid to enjoy it. Do not be afraid of judgment. Just do what you love and love the sweetness in life. For the love that I carry is stronger than one can ever possibly imagine, and I carry this love for every one of my children.

*Jesus channeled by Marisa Moris
Excerpted from The Bible Speaks series featuring the authors of the New Testament


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