Day 14 - And you think you have suffered?
Day 14
And you think you have suffered?
What can be learned from life’s downturns are nothing compared to what Jesus had to endure. Imagine the verbal persecution he took on top of the physical pain he suffered through. But, he said that human life is an experience and that his soul, Christ, had to experience in order to truly understand the human experience. After all, when we look to a leader in politics we look for someone who can best represent how we feel, what we want. Do you think God and his kingdom edict fates like government upon you without first experiencing that fate themselves? Well, they have experienced the human condition and that’s why we need their wisdom, guidance and love daily.
(Jesus*) I have done so many things as a spirit, as a soul, on many other planets and worlds that this (earthly experience) was a finale for me in learning and understanding the humility of being a human being; learning and understanding and knowing that even when one feels like they are in complete control, they are never truly in complete control, for they have a human mind that believes it is in control. I learned that taking care of the human body; keeping the human body healthy; keeping it functioning is a way of honoring the God that created it and the Holy Spirit that resides around it. This is something that many humans have a hard time with. I too experienced the human plane -- the temptations of ruining the body in which our spirit so faithfully is living in. And then to see and experience men ruining other’s bodies and destroying them is quite heartbreaking, but something I felt that I should experience this for the sake of my children.
*Jesus channeled by Marisa Moris
Excerpted from The Bible Speaks series featuring the authors of the New Testament
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