Day 15 - Women and Men are equal in God's eyes
Day 15
Women and Men are equal in God’s Eyes
When God said that man was made in his image
and likeness he was referring to the spirit…the spirit that resides within the
human animal of earth. All spirit comes
from one source therefore every spirit is equal in the eyes of God. If all spirit is equal then it means that God
judges men and women equally since each are endowed with his spirit.
(Jesus*) In the religion in which I was raised in by
my grandmother, in the belief system in which I was raised in, women were
powerful, women were matriarchs, women deserved respect. So what we brought in was an understanding
that women and men alike are just as important in God’s eyes and can bring
about a change on the planet. When I
taught this alongside Mary and my mother we brought about something that scared
the Jews, that scared the government, that scared the men, because we said that
women are just as powerful, women bring life, bring birth, bring us into
existence, but not only that, they have the energy and the love of the Holy
Spirit naturally within them. Men have
to dig for it. Women can naturally encompass
this and pull this from within.”
* Jesus Channeled by Marisa Moris
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