Day 8: What would you do?

Day 8

What would you do?

(Joe)     Everyone has the ability to see and hear God. Unfortunately for 99.9% of us we haven’t learned how to “see” with the mind’s eye or “hear” with the heart. But what would you do if all of a sudden the “Lord” appeared to you and spoke to you? Would you think that you are crazy? Or, would you believe that you were given an opportunity that most people will never experience? Would you tell others if you saw the “Lord”? Would others think you lost your marbles or would you pass along your wisdom, the “seeds” of God so that they may too grow.

(Jesus*) Please do not be discouraged indeed by those who say that they do not believe you for those are the ones that truly believe you inside. This is not an invitation to push these people into believing more but please note that the ones that are the most fearful of your ability to see and hear me are the ones that believe you the most. So, know this, know that when a seed is planted, the seed is planted for when they are at a time in their life, when they are at odds with what they believe, they will hear your words….my words. They will hear your every single thought that they had in their mind. Had they believed this down to their core, they would not be afraid to hear something else. They would not be afraid to hear other words. They would not be afraid. So just know, just know that you do not want to make people afraid but do not be afraid to share the truth; do not be afraid to share what your truth is.

* Jesus channeled by Marisa Moris
Excerpted from The Bible Speaks Series featuring the authors of the New Testament


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