Day 11: Truth vs. Belief

Day 11

Truth vs. Belief

(Joe)     While you pray does your mind wander? Are you petitioning God only to realize that you have a 10:30 appointment…that your child’s soccer game is today? What about the dry cleaning? OMG I’m trying to talk to God and all I can think of is the daily grind ahead of me today!! Is God upset with me because I can’t stay focused even for two minutes while speaking with him? Maybe I just don’t really believe in Truth. Maybe I’m just tricking myself into believing that there is someone greater than me that really does hear me between all these crazy worldly thoughts.

(Jesus*) Human beings are quite interesting. The natural fetters that they have and come upon are quite amusing to us at times. But we are also souls who too have experienced the human condition and we are also consciousness. We have just far exceeded the conscious level that human beings on earth are at at this time. But it is quite endearing to us to come and to help despite the human wandering mind. We bring truth, whether that truth is factual or that truth is an emotion or a feeling, this is where we begin to step into this world to bring the feeling and the knowing of truth. Many believe, but they also feel deep down inside that this is not truth. In fact 85 percent of Christians that say they believe do not believe, because they do not understand so bringing to them an understanding is something that we all desire, so that all can understand that God is true compassion.

*Jesus channeled by Marisa Moris
Excerpted from The Bible Speaks series featuring the authors of the New Testament


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